How it works ?

Choose Music style

Choose any one of the three music styles.

Tell us details for Lyrics.

You can share your story or qualities/habits of your loved ones.

We Write lyrics

Our artists Write Lyrics and get it approved from you.

Song Creation

Our Artist Make Music Track as per your selection and record the song. It gets delivered in 5-7 Days to you.

Music Styles

Your personalized song can take on various music styles, ensuring it perfectly aligns with the emotions you want to convey. We offer 3 Music Styles

Basic Unplugged Version

(Starts Rs. 2999)

Professionally Recorded Song with Guitar or Piano.

Standard Studio Version

(Starts Rs. 7999)

Professionally Recorded Song with Multiple Instruments & beats.

Premium Studio Version

(Starts Rs. 9999)

Professionally Recorded Song with Complete music Production.

Why Huppme ?

#1 Platform

Over 500 happy customers have gifted Custom for birthdays, anniversaries, and more.

Studio Quality Songs

In less than a week, you’ll receive a high-quality custom song made by professional artists.

Team Of Trained artists

Your song will be created by Professionals who are master at thier art.

Worry Free Guarantee

We give you the power to revise your song so you love it.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Your Purchase is Backed By Huppme Promise.

For Anyone , For any occasion

Song Details

Song Length

Standard Length:  2-3 Minutes

Extended Length: 3-4Minutes ( Extra Charges )


Hindi & English

Delivery Time

Standard Delivery: 5-7 Days

Express Delivery : 48 Hours ( Extra Charges Apply)

Payment Terms

EMI Options also available

50% Advance

50% After Lyrics Approval

Sample Songs

Customer Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Our artists work hard at creating lyrics that will be thoughtful and original. This process takes several days. You can expect your song to be delivered within 1 week (including weekends). We also offer an Express delivery service if you need your song in 2 – 4 days.

Any occasion where you want to make someone smile, laugh, or just express your love. Personalized songs can tell a relationship story, make someone laugh about an inside joke, or say thank you or happy birthday. You decide! Our artists will shape the song to the occasion of your choice.

We make this really easy for you. You receive your custom song as both an MP3 file and through Unlisted youtube streaming link. Both are included in an email, allowing you to play your song anywhere, anytime.

No account or login is ever required to listen to your song. And best yet, it is available for you to play, forever!

We want our customers to love their song! We have highly trained artists on board who work to provide you with high-quality songs. We provide you the draft of the song for final approval before the final delivery of the song.

Standard length of songs is 1.5-2 minutes. We also provide options for long songs while placing your order.

You get the right to use the songs for personal use.

Still Have questions ?
